mxr micro chorus and mxr micro flanger

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mxr micro chorus and mxr micro flanger

i used to own both of these back in the 80s. yes my entire pedal board was stolen.i lost a clyde mccoy as well and original script mxr distortion plus and phase 90. i looked for a micro chorus for years never did find one. They are readily available on ebay now. i would love to build one. does anyone have the reissue and original? how do they differ?thanks in advance. Ythks website has changed my life ha ha. i spend 15-20 hours a week building these pedals. i started mid january and have built 27 pedals with three on the bench waiting for enclosures.

i cant help but think of the Seinfeld show would say if a man was sponge worthy . I now judge if a build is box worthy.ha ha  these two pedals are double box worthy. thanks
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Re: mxr micro chorus and mxr micro flanger

If you are willing to do up your own PCB, here is a print for you on the Micro chorus.

Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: mxr micro chorus and mxr micro flanger

thanks chris. i have never done my own pcb. i would like to try but it seems time consuming plus all the chemicals drilling and materials. there are several i would like to try. thats whats cool about vero less than  65-70 components its the way to go especially 40 or less.i watched one guy spend hours making a pcb for a rangemaster ha ha. you can bug eire thosr.
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Re: mxr micro chorus and mxr micro flanger

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In reply to this post by strassercaster
am definitely +1 for an mxr flanger.

either the mxr micro flanger (smaller and probably easier) or the full blown mxr 117.

mxr 117: (huge).

microflanger from fsb post: MXR - Microflanger  [schematic]

ideally i'd like to find a madbeany type pcb, as i suspect this will be huge if ever anyone dares to attempt it. but i haven't read of any mxr clones. some say the ada gets close to some of the tones but i already have a joyo flanger that gets me close. i figure if i'm going to build a monster it may as well be the right monster.

so adding a +1 to this thread for posterity's sake.

not sure why there is a gap in the cheap clone market re the mxr. the mooer eleclady is the electric mistress, the joyo is the ibanez, behringer do a boss bf2 clone (i think). but no love for mxr from the chinese. yet i think it's the one i like best.

paging j wong....

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Re: mxr micro chorus and mxr micro flanger

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
hey have to build collosalus...fantastic pedal
i have a lot of fun when playing with this one..
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Re: mxr micro chorus and mxr micro flanger

thanks savvas, and i hope all is grand with you.

i actually saw this in the summer and posted thanks for the layout but for some unfathomable reason (chronic sleep deprivation) i didn't make the connection with the mxr 117. i thought the shredaholic pcb was the best bet but on browsing the pdf for the collosalus it appears this is a translation of the shredaholic clone to accept the more available mn3007 ic.

anyway, your full collosalus thread link here for anyone who stumbles on this thread after searching mxr flanger'

alas i didn't realise it would be so monsterously big. i vaguely imagined something potentially on the scale of a small stone re vero layout. but that is a BIG layout for vero. so i think i will have to try to get a pcb from madbean until i can summon up the confidence and presence of mind required to attempt something on this scale.

but i have to salute you again on the achievement. is this the biggest layout on the site?
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Re: mxr micro chorus and mxr micro flanger

Thanks Tabbycat I just realized that this uses the hard to find sad chips so i doubt it is worth building.
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Re: mxr micro chorus and mxr micro flanger

In reply to this post by ξεναγος νεκροπολης
I built one of these a few days before your layout with the madbean board it is a great flanger i agree
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Re: mxr micro chorus and mxr micro flanger

strassercaster wrote
I built one of these a few days before your layout with the madbean board it is a great flanger i agree
stassercaster, don't remind me. i must be cursed or something. halloween came early.

i checked on madbean yesterday morning to see if the board was in stock and it said 'in stock'.
i thought 'great, i will be john mcgeoch this month, even though i can't afford a real 117'.
ordered all the bits last night. took ages because it's always kid in a sweetshop syndrome whenever i do a bits order. too many sweets too little money.
went back to madeban today to order the board.

'sold out'.

bad juju.

even worse, the biggest thing i've built to date that worked is a deluxe pitch pirate, but i found myself looking at savvas' excellent but HUGE collosalus layout tonight and thinking 'well if it's four times the size of the pitch pirate and i built one of those, then it's only like building four of those'...

that doesn't even make sense. that's like evel knievel saying 'well if i can jump one bus then jumping four buses will only be like jumping one bus four times...'

i think i've got 'stompbox fever'.