posting questions/comments on older builds

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posting questions/comments on older builds

hey guys-
  I've posted comments and questions on older projects, and it would seem that they go unanswered. no big deal, I'm sure you guys are super busy. so would it be better to post questions here instead? I  just figured that if it had to do with a certain build it would be better to keep it in that thread, but I guess it doesn't do any good if you guys never see it. let us know what is better for you guys, and keep um' coming!
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Re: posting questions/comments on older builds

I can't speak for anyone else, but I never read the comments for the layouts. I only read this part of the forum.
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Re: posting questions/comments on older builds

In reply to this post by atomicwombat
If I see the post when it comes I will answer it (if I know the answer of course) but they can be missed and sometimes I just don't know
But there's no problem posting here if you want to, then you know it will be seen and probably by more people.
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Re: posting questions/comments on older builds

okay. thanks mark, I'll just post questions here then