the best Klon Clone board or kit

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the best Klon Clone board or kit

I'm wantint to build a Klon clone and was wondering what you guys suggest as the best kits or boards to buy? I would prefer to buy a kit but any suggestions would be appreciated. You guys know best...
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Re: the best Klon Clone board or kit

I've built this one last week. 
really happy with it
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Re: the best Klon Clone board or kit

I had one of Rej's Chimaera boards and I really liked it. Unfortunately it's been discontinued for one of those board mounted pots pcb monstrosity with mods and stuff. But occasionally a Chimaera board pops up during a pcb sale.
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Re: the best Klon Clone board or kit

In reply to this post by falconfan
full schematics in the pdfs on the kit page.

apologies for posting the klon buffer links earlier. daydreaming as always.
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Re: the best Klon Clone board or kit

"I've built this one last week. 
really happy with it."

+1 on the Aion PCB.  My Aion Klon(e) is a mainstay of my live pedalboard.   I use the Klon as a preamp/buffer (first in my chain) and it sounds great and make all of my other pedals sound great.

And get some of his other PCBs while your at it - they're all very well made and well documented.
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Re: the best Klon Clone board or kit

Sensei Tim
In reply to this post by falconfan
Madbean sun king or kingslayer.

The sun King is supposed to be an authentic clone, whereas the kingslayer has some other mods. I personally like the kingslayer more.
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Re: the best Klon Clone board or kit

petey twofinger
In reply to this post by falconfan
off topic but , i would say avoid the"protaitone" kits found on ebay . yes they are really cheap but ... look into it before you hit buy now as the two i dealt with had a lot of errors , no documentation and a lot of other folks ran into many issues with this companys kits .

yes you can get them to work , but in my case they shipped wrong components , no instructions , some of the parts would not fit , the wiring diagram photo i found on ebay was wrong , so yes they are a great deal , can be made to work but be aware , there is no instructions and there will be errors , wrong stuff , cheap junk etc . although the chassis / paint job was very nice and once i figured it all out , it works well but i wasnt ready for all that and it really irked me how the seller kept stalling and treated me very rudely .

i expected to quickly assemble this when it ended up consuming a lot more frustrating time so the second kit is just sitting there till i can figure out all the errors and pull a proper bomb . number two was shipped with a whole different set of headaches .