unknowkn pedal

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unknowkn pedal

Hi I'm noobie on this forum...This wil be my first attempt to complete a pedal.

 I got this from a friend. I want to finish it but he can't tell what pedal is it.

Do you have any idea ?

unknown pedal front

unknown pedal back

Thanks for helping
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Re: unknowkn pedal

Ciaran Haslett
Definitely a TS variant....maybe an unfinished Lovepedal Eternity Burst?
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Re: unknowkn pedal

Yes it seems to be the closer model I found in the blog archive.
Many thanks...Have to change a couple of things I think.
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Re: unknowkn pedal

In reply to this post by rocknrott
Looks a lot like the eternity burst

Oh shoot, had the comment open too long, too late again... Sorry!
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Re: unknowkn pedal

Yeah that's it ! But mine is a former version...Not sure if it would work.
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Re: unknowkn pedal

In reply to this post by rocknrott
Well I finally find a pic of the former version

Do you think this one is working correctly ?

But I have questions about volume pot...On the pic there's only one cable that goes to volume lug 3. What about volume lugs 1 and 2 ?

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Re: unknowkn pedal

Sure, go for it!

In the description below you can see where those lugs go.
Lug 1 goes to ground (any ground) and Volume 2 goes to output (this is the postion on the switch for output, not the output jack).

The bottom looks  like it has some potential bridges though:

I could be wrong, but I would go through them with a knife or something to make sure the tracks are clear.

And if you have any doubts, just come back with new questions :)
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Re: unknowkn pedal

In reply to this post by rocknrott
Oops sorry for the misreading...
And thanx again for the corrections.

I'm gonna work on it tonight.
Will let you about thé issue.