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Because of curiosity #2

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Because of curiosity #2

134 posts
Thnx for the input on 1...if you had to build a pedal board and could only have 6 pedals or less what would they be?
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Re: Because of curiosity #2

134 posts
Preferably ones that you've built.
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Re: Because of curiosity #2

Silver Blues
1220 posts
Oh man that's so hard. The last three pedals I've built deserve a spot on my board really.

BJFE Blueberry undoubtedly has to be on there.
Really Cheap Compressor
My 2N2222A/D223A V7 Muff
some kind of auto-wah/envelope filter (have a Snow White but still soul-searching)
am really liking my Fuzzhugger Doom Bloom so probably that

Way too many good choices lol. Maybe reserve a spot for experimentation, like a pedal that you switch up every so often.
Through all the worry and pain we move on
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Re: Because of curiosity #2

610 posts
In reply to this post by Ravenswerld
Depends on the music.

I have built a 4-in-1 box that had:
- Demo Tape Fuzz
- Fuzzrite
- Vox Repeater

Added an Area51 Wah to it.

(Guess what bands I emulated) That served me really well. The Demo tape is a perfect drive. The SHO to give a bit of shine and a nastyu fuzz.

My 'other board' is not as DIY friendly. If I would have to bring that back to 6..

Diamond Compressor (DIY)
ZVEX Distortron (DIY)
Dunlop Volume
MXR Carbon Copy
Strymon El Capistan
Strymon Blue Sky

I could live with that
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Re: Because of curiosity #2

174 posts
In reply to this post by Ravenswerld
My 6 would be:

Lovepedal Kalamazoo (Klon type)
Fulltone Fulldrive MOSFET II
MXR Phase 90
EQ Devices Sea Machine
Deep blue delay

+ maybe the EP booster and a wah.
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Re: Because of curiosity #2

1239 posts
This is a complicated question, because I love experimenting with a wide range of effects at home, but at a live gig, I want simplicity but enough effects to cover the music and style my band plays.  Plus there are questions like:  Do you play with an amp or go direct to a PA?  If you use an amp, do you use its built-in reverb/tremolo?  Do play effects into a clean amp or use the amp's gain channel along with effects?

Here's what I've been doing.  I play a pedalboard into a clean Roland BC-60 amp.  The Roland is set flat and I get all my overdrive/distortion/modulation from effects.  I have a Digitech RP1000 multi-effects unit I use live, but am moving towards all analog, because analog effects sound better!  What I would use live (if limited to 6 pedals) are (in the order they'd appear in my chain):

(1) Preamp:  Klon

The Klon set to low gain is the perfect buffered guitar preamp.  I even use this before the RP1000!

(2) Wah Pedal:  Dunlop Cry-Baby

I have one that sounds geat , but I should mod it someday to get a better sound.

(3) Overdrive:  TS-808 or Zen Drive or ...

This is low-verdrive for Blues and Country Rock.  I also have a Way Huge Saucy Box which does a great blues overdrive.

(4) Distortion:  Ibanez Mostortion

For high gain classic rock.  This is the smoothest and most versatile distortion I built so far...

(5) Chorus:  Boss CE-2 (or equivalent)

Just need a basic chorus to fatten up the tone.

(6) Delay/Echo:  Way Huge Aqua Puss (but any good quality PT2399 delay project here would work)

Need some slapback for Country and Rockabilly

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Re: Because of curiosity #2

432 posts
I have two set ups, one for heavier stuff, one not as much. I also play through an Orange OR15 so it's pretty fickle with what I use. Each has six pedals with a daisy chain plus one a term powered germanium fuzz

Board 1:

Monolith Oracle
Earthquakes Talons
DAM Sonic Titan
EQD Acapulco Gold
BAT Pharaoh (sometimes LSTR)
DBA Echo Dream
EQD Ghost Echo

Board 2:

Fuzz Face (Hot 2N404s)
Skreddy Lunar Module
Lovepedal Kalamazoo
Lovepedal Eternity Burst
EHX Green Russian Muff
Way Huge Aquapuss
GGG D-Verb

I use others too but those are my constants. Muffs usually don't work with my amp for anything but doom or stoner type tones but I can get a pretty good Corgan-ish tone with the Russian. I built a Mayo and wanted to like it in the worst way but it sounds terrible through the OR. My favorite builds are the Sonic Titan, Green Russian, Echo Dream and Kalamazoo. I wanted to give the Klon a shot but I've had bad luck with charge pumps and the Kalamazoo sounds so good. I find myself turning the volume back on my guitar a bit and messing around with the Echo Dream quite a bit. What a trippy delay.
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Re: Because of curiosity #2

3037 posts
Super tough question that's highly dependent on gear (guitar, amp, pickups, etc.), musical style, and you're method and playing. For me I have a stupid massive pedalboard, 2'x4',but if I had to break it down to 6 pedals here's what I'm thinking:

Bass Setup
1. Colorsound Fuzz Wah
2. Russian Green Muff
3. BJFE Blueberry OD
4. EHX Small stone
5. MP Deep Blue Delay in wah (plan on subbing another delay, just haven't gotten around it building it)
6. Modded RAT
7. Germanium Giant
8. Catalinbread Picoso MOSFET Booster

Notes: I own/built all of these. I play mostly psych rock, hard rock, doom/stoner metal. I play through a massive 600watt mesa boogie m6 carbide with a powerhouse 4x10 (planning on adding another 4x10 soon). I usually play either my 1980 G&L L-1000, 1991 G&L L-5000 custom jazz style bass that I built, or my customized pj jaguar bass. I couldn't get it down to 6, had to add 2 additional pedals.

Guitar Setup
1. Ge Fuzz Face
2. Tonebender MKIII
3. Russian Green Muff
4. Rangemaster
5. MP Deep Blue Delay in wah (plan on subbing another delay, just haven't gotten around it building it)
6. Colorsound Fuzz Wah
7. Modded MXR Phase 90
8. Super Fuzz

Notes: I own/built all of these. Again I play hard rock, stoner/doom metal, psych rock. I either run through my mess m6, or my little bugera v22 until I get around to building a model t and/or matamp gt120. Out of all my guitars I typically use either my G&L ASAT, G&L Legacy, 90's Epiphone Les Paul Custom something or other that's been completely rewired with Gibson pots, switch, jack, and pickups.
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Re: Because of curiosity #2

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
484 posts
In reply to this post by Ravenswerld
volume control
zen drive
ic muff
madbean leviathan
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Re: Because of curiosity #2

327 posts
This post was updated on Mar 31, 2017; 8:04pm.
In reply to this post by Ravenswerld
Why limit yourself . I have several  mega pedal boards . I have made 180 pedals probably 90 dif kinds . The red rooster and modded  vox tonebender were my first and still two of my favorites  . I like every pedal I have ever made . Some more than others buts it's like an artist you have to appreciate all the colors .

This was my pedal board a few months ago it's different now I change stuff all the time I have four pedal boards now . I did a Zendrive yesterday and a Timmy I am very impressed with both of these pedals I am sure they will find a place on my board at some point .I really like all thye 1990's Marshall pedals . I am thinking of putting the Guvnor  Blues Breaker and shredmaster in one box. Those three pedals cover a lot of musical territory. I lend some out here and there for guys to check out my builds and possibly buy something . My main amp is a 1977 Fawn marshall Jmp 50w my second amp is a modded two channel stacked marshall 100w 1974 jmp . I prefer 25w greenbacks .
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Re: Because of curiosity #2

327 posts
In reply to this post by Ravenswerld
Nice Question

  Dam red rooster, Jekyl Hyde,boss ce2 stereo,Harbingor one 1968 Vox wah film can and dirt baby for delay.  If I had to pick
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Re: Because of curiosity #2

Sensei Tim
809 posts
you guys are gonna laugh

the only thing i would have on my board is a klon. that's it. MAYBE a timmy, but that's it.

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Re: Because of curiosity #2

112 posts
In reply to this post by strassercaster
What kind of Marshall pedal is that in your pic.
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Re: Because of curiosity #2

327 posts
In reply to this post by Sensei Tim
I went 25 years with a bvoss usperoverdrive and a wah pedal oh and a tuner. I just got the fever for pedals when I made my first couple. I could still have just as much fun with those two pedals but if I had to go down to 2 now it would be the jek hyde and my red rooster . tuner doesn't count right ha ha. I like the klons and just made a timmy and zendrive . I have some testing to do with both . So far I really like them. I would prbably choose my boss super overdrive over the Klon I like the pick attack on that pedal always have
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Re: Because of curiosity #2

327 posts
In reply to this post by ibanez48
Thats a Runoffgroove thunderbird . I made that about a year ago. Its a pretty cool pedal. Lots of work though and You cant dime everything. If you dime everything it whistles. I have made 5 of those all of them whistle if everything is turned to 10 . if you roll the tone and or the treble back to 9 its fines with everything else dimmed/. The runoffgroove website says its inherent pretty much.

 I love that pedal . It does the jcm 800 thing perfectly. In fact I can plug that pedal into my lo input on my marshall and literally exactly copy my hi gain channel . itis great for recording. I plug it into my line 6 pod set to clean with a 4/12 and its better than micing my real amps. I still do mic them though and blend the mix ha ha.I have since made a crunch box. It sounds very very similar with 1/4 the parts and time and much less adjustable but it also nails the jcm 800 sound  . You can get the trapezoid box from several suppliers. The mousar ones aren't as deep. I like the 1.5 inch for depth . Digi key sells them and delivers in about 30 days. That was the very first pedal I made a deal for.It Bubbled withy time. I now use much better decal paper.  
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Re: Because of curiosity #2

94 posts
In reply to this post by Ravenswerld
Fun question!

Dual All Star Reverb (one medium brick, one long brick, two boards in one enclosure)

Roger Mayer Spitfire (feedbacks like crazy)

Germanium Giant (with Ge love from Bulgaria)

Oscar's Bearded Fuzz Mojo version (Si transistor and diode)

Visual Sound Dual Tap Delay (only purchased pedal I use, still haven't found a PT2399 delay I like, though I wouldn't be surprised if this is one)

Fender '68 Princeton Reverb reissue (very touch sensitive, breaks up nicely, nice reverb)
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Re: Because of curiosity #2

384 posts
This post was updated on Mar 31, 2017; 11:49pm.
All DIY:
Skreddy Lunar Module
Conish G2-alike
Vox repeater/moosapotamus skippy
Lovetone Meatball
MP Deep blue delay

Anything goes:
Function f(x) clusterfuzz
EHX Superego
Red Witch violetta
TC Ditto X2
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Re: Because of curiosity #2

Addy Bart
148 posts
Mid Fi Clarinot
Mid Fi Deluxe Pitch Pirate
DBA Reverberation Machine
Vox Repeat Percussion
David Rolo Twin Peaks
Wattson EFY-6
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Re: Because of curiosity #2

559 posts

Colorsound overdriver
Mxr phase 90
Green Russian fuzz
Dead astronaut Tremshifter
Dead astronaut space patrol fuzz
Harmonic percolator

Surfybear spring reverb
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Re: Because of curiosity #2

134 posts
In reply to this post by Ravenswerld
Thanx everyone for the replies...really cool to see what people are using.