Christmas is an awesome time to bid on ebay

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Christmas is an awesome time to bid on ebay

Nobody is paying attention, sellers are hurting for cash. It's great. Only problem is that after coming back from a weeks vacation and buying everyone gifts my wallet hurts pretty bad now

The awesome news? I've got an old orange Univox Superfuzz coming in the mail

Anyone else score on eBay these past few days?
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Re: Christmas is an awesome time to bid on ebay

All I've gotten so far is 2 unopened packages of 150 ac125's and 2 unopened packages of unopened ac128's for about $150 total including shipping.
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Re: Christmas is an awesome time to bid on ebay

In reply to this post by Travis
I hear ya about the wallet being a bust - but on a unrelated/related note - if gas prices keep going (1.98 a gallon today) down, I may soon have a wallet filled with some extra cash for some purchases

Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: Christmas is an awesome time to bid on ebay

$1.98 a gallon?!  We pay close to that for a litre.  
Driving will soon be a rich mans privilege in the UK
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Re: Christmas is an awesome time to bid on ebay

Yes sir! 1.98 a gallon. The news stated today that it has pretty much been dropping the past 90 days or so and at least in Illinois, its dropped more than a dollar. I guess this is the lowest its been since 2009.

Don't know whats driving this but its nice to pay these prices (at least for now).

Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: Christmas is an awesome time to bid on ebay

In reply to this post by IvIark
Woah I thought gas was cheap here in California at about $2.60/gal last time I filled up. It was more expensive when I was in Washington last week. Where do you live Chris?

That's a nice deal Rocket. Do you have anything in particular you're planning on building with them? I'm loving my FZ-673 build with the ac125s. That's one of the sweetest fuzzes I've made

I'm just way too excited to get this Superfuzz! Should come on Monday
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Re: Christmas is an awesome time to bid on ebay

Not sure. I figured they would be good for tonebenders, and similar circuits since they can be leaky and all the Russians I have have almost none. Also, god damn it Chris. In nj it's like $2.40 and all my cars use premium so I'm still at $2.60 a gallon. I might have to more I with you just to get gas. I'd pay rent k&n the form of sharing some of my stash. Lol
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Re: Christmas is an awesome time to bid on ebay

Would love to pay 2,60 a gallon. In Spain is now "cheap", €1,15... LITRE of diesel and abour €1,30 LITRE of  gas. Mi car is diesel, so now I pay about... $7,20 for a gallon. Not bad, don't you think? :P
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Re: Christmas is an awesome time to bid on ebay

Diesel in the UK is over $8 a gallon - our tax is astronomical, but its not quite the worst (but close)
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Re: Christmas is an awesome time to bid on ebay

I scored a Tech 21 TM30 amp .  I purchased it using some money I earned from local gigging.  I'm trying an experiment where I use the TM30 as a monitor as it has a balanced output that can go directly to a PA.  So pedalboard-->TM30-->PA, and with the amps 10" speaker, I hope I can hear myself better as our monitors just don't cut it live.  And it's only 14 pounds!  
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Re: Christmas is an awesome time to bid on ebay

In reply to this post by Travis
I nearly scored a Marshall JTM-1H for £150 buy it now, just as I clicked to buy it someone else must of just got there first..... so if you won a JTM-1H recently on eBay , I hate you....
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Re: Christmas is an awesome time to bid on ebay

In reply to this post by Travis
Well I managed to score a BOSS Metalizer - a bit like a BOSS HM2 with a built in doubler & chorus.  SHould be a nice little toy to play with
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Re: Christmas is an awesome time to bid on ebay

Well, our gas prices may be good but I just got a pretty bullshit ticket in the mail.. Over $600 for an incomplete stop

Sounds like you guys are getting some cool gear!

The Metalizer sounds interesting. I built the HM-2 layout from here and love it. Is the EQ on the Metalizer similar to the HM-2?
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Re: Christmas is an awesome time to bid on ebay

Hi Travis, not quite - it only has one tone control giving a sweep between low and high frequencies.

I have a HM2 so when I get the chance after it arrives, I'll try them both and see what they are like in comparison.

I'll also have a little look inside and try and get some photos too.  I think it might be a struggle to duplicate the pedal in vero form due to all of its features - I haven't looked for a schematic, but I'm sure there is one out there.
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Re: Christmas is an awesome time to bid on ebay

In reply to this post by rocket88
Was that $150 for the whole lot?! As in 600 trannies for $150? If so, what am I doing wrong?
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Re: Christmas is an awesome time to bid on ebay

In reply to this post by IvIark
Gas has been plummeting for a few months, but it'll spike again.  The US market likes to take dips every few years to make it easier to swallow when it then skyrockets to record highs.  I suspect we'll be paying $5/gal before June.  On that same topic, what are average commutes for everyone?  I work from home now, but used to drive 200 miles roundtrip to work every day.  That's quite a bit longer than the average US distance, but I doubt it's longer in duration (75mph speed limit on my route) than those in southern California, DC area, etc.

On topic, I received a total of almost $500 from family over the holidays and my december birthday.  Was thinking of getting a nice Epi Dot or Casino.  Any recommendations?

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Re: Christmas is an awesome time to bid on ebay

The annoying thing in the UK is the price of crude can fall to the lowest level since 2009 but the price doesn't come down, or occasionally they'll drop it a penny and think we should all be grateful.  I wouldn't resent it so much if they didn't treat us all like we're totally stupid.  At least it seems the US prices are actually linked to the price of crude instead of a figure someone made up in their head and doubled.
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Re: Christmas is an awesome time to bid on ebay

In reply to this post by A2Music
Lol. Yea, it was probably closer to $200, but still. It was one of the few occasions where the seller, who usually posts these lots a lot, put them up starting at $10 and the auction ended at 1am. I'm usually up so I just kept an eye on them and sniped them. Now his auctions for them are back to setting at $90 for 150 or buy it now for $120 or so. I just got real lucky the the did 2 auctions in 2 weeks that started way lower then normal, so you're not doing anything wrong.

Negative don't mention that, they may hear you and jump the prices back up. But, I would say a dot, I've wanted one for so long, and tj just got one and loves it.
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Re: Christmas is an awesome time to bid on ebay

The Dot is usually a great playing guitar, only downside is the usual crap Epiphone pickups - how come Squier are able to make reasonable sounding pickups for the money, but Epiphone can't?

If you have enough budget left for some nice replacement pickups, Dots can sound awesome - I know because I have done many pickup swaps on these.
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Re: Christmas is an awesome time to bid on ebay

Thanks Beaker, any recommendations for replacements?  I have a bunch of seymour pups laying around.