Cut Boss OC-2 (single octave down version)

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Cut Boss OC-2 (single octave down version)

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 I used Harald Sabro's Cut OC-2 vero layout but then made it a little smaller so I could fit it into a 1590B. it just seemed to me that a larger enclosure would be kinda silly for a pedal that only has two knobs and a footswitch. anyway, the pedal sounds great, and since I use mine with a bass, I definitely don't need the additional circuit for the two octaves down control.
with 48 cuts, 26 links, two jumpers, two transistors and three 14 pin chips it was a pretty extensive build, but it worked perfect the first time that I fired it up.

pic of the internals:

I haven't labeled it yet but here's the external pic:

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Re: Cut Boss OC-2 (single octave down version)

Nice work, John.
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Re: Cut Boss OC-2 (single octave down version)

got it labeled now so this baby is done.

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Re: Cut Boss OC-2 (single octave down version)


Man, I really need to get that labelmaker!
This looks awesome!
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Re: Cut Boss OC-2 (single octave down version)

quick clip of it with my p bass thru a 2x15 cab:
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Re: Cut Boss OC-2 (single octave down version)

In reply to this post by johnk
Wow, that looks really clean and awesome! Nice work?
How'd you do the labels?
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Re: Cut Boss OC-2 (single octave down version)

In reply to this post by johnk
That's a nice looking pedal (as always!) -- I was thinking about building his OC2 -- what do you mean by "Cut" version? I couldn't find that on his site? What's the dif between that and the stock OC2?

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Re: Cut Boss OC-2 (single octave down version)

In reply to this post by johnk
That Red fresnel is a nice touch by the way -- did you pick that up at Mouser?
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Re: Cut Boss OC-2 (single octave down version)

In reply to this post by toddvirgil
cut version means the 2nd octave down parts of the circuit was cut out.
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Re: Cut Boss OC-2 (single octave down version)

Nice build!

Can't find the layout either.

Any chance you could post your layout?
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Re: Cut Boss OC-2 (single octave down version)

actually, I based mine off of this one (only i made it 21 columns wide instead of 25):

so mine ended up like this with cut corners to fit in a 1590B:

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Re: Cut Boss OC-2 (single octave down version)

Thanks Boss! (No pun intended.)
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Re: Cut Boss OC-2 (single octave down version)

Great layout!
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Re: Cut Boss OC-2 (single octave down version)

Finally starting to work on this pedal. I got the board cut and ready to be populated.
I'm gonna tack a One-Knob Fuzz variant on the end that can be switched on or off.

Should be a nice addition to my other octave pedals: Micro Pog, Robot Devil, Foxx Tone Machine.
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Re: Cut Boss OC-2 (single octave down version)

Well, its done. Simplified OC-2 into a switchable Colorsound One-Knob Fuzz. Sounds really incredible. I LOVE octave pedals!

Thanks to Harald (SabroTone) for the OC-2 layout. Thanks to johnk for modding the layout to a smaller size. And thanks to mirosol for the fuzz layout!  

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Re: Cut Boss OC-2 (single octave down version)

Hmmm...i was using this thing a bit more today, and i just noticed that im getting some high pitched oscillation when using the fuzz with any of the knobs past unity. This was certainly not happening when unboxed.

I moved some wires around which helped a bit but its still a problem. Any suggestions?
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Re: Cut Boss OC-2 (single octave down version)

Okay, seems if I put a buffer before the pedal, oscillations are gone. So I guess i'll cram a small buffer in the box, at the input.
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Re: Cut Boss OC-2 (single octave down version)

Well, I put a Klon buffer in there and it did not work. Which is weird. Buffers cure the problem outside the box, but not in it.

Any ideas on how to fix this?
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Re: Cut Boss OC-2 (single octave down version)

In reply to this post by johnk
Hi John,
In your gutshot pic I noticed the 1u elco above the top 10nf cap being one hole to the right compared to the vero layout. I just finished mine and all it does is distort when I open the octave pot. Sounds like a great distortion btw :) But is this a fault in the layout?
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Re: Cut Boss OC-2 (single octave down version)

I doesn't matter if it's one column to the right since both the positive and negative connections are on the same rows.