Great new seller of Soviet Germs.

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Re: Great new seller of Soviet Germs.

I just messaged the fella and asked if I could alter my order to include some of those SFD112s and he threw in a box of 50 for free!!!

What a guy!
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Re: Great new seller of Soviet Germs.

He's a very nice guy.  He sent me a message through eBay saying that he loved the blog. He must have recognised my eBay name
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Re: Great new seller of Soviet Germs.

I just placed and order with him, and everything was sent out the same day. Not sure if I'm getting anything extra, so I'll have to wait till everything shows up.

*fingers crossed*
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Re: Great new seller of Soviet Germs.

In reply to this post by IvIark
Mark, he emailed me, asking if you were admin here.
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Re: Great new seller of Soviet Germs.

Aaah right.  Isn't it a small world!

Wouldn't want to paint it though.
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Re: Great new seller of Soviet Germs.

I'm sure he loves the blog very much - most of his customers probably come from here now!
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Re: Great new seller of Soviet Germs.

Well he certainly has my repeat trade and certainly will keep going back when my little piggy bank fills up.  He is without doubt the BEST seller I have dealt with on the bay.  Very helpful, friendly and generous - nothing is too much trouble.
I'm sure you're right inefficiency - I just hope he can keep getting the stock to keep us going with the Ge Deathstar   SHame I missed the SFD112s - you must have got the last box
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Re: Great new seller of Soviet Germs.

ummm........ that was me, i'm the one that bought them all........sorry dbat.  there were 4 or 5 available for $5 each, so i got all of them and another 100 MP20A's. once they come in if they sound good maybe i'll send you some to try.
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Re: Great new seller of Soviet Germs.

Ahh haa you are the culprit   I was watching them go down, but my piggy bank was empty and when it finally oinked, and I went to order ...

Cheers, that is really good of you Rocket   Thanks
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Re: Great new seller of Soviet Germs.

i know the feeling man. i just don't look at the piggy bank until after i make the order. that way i don't have to think about it. plus i figure if i spend less them my girl does on shoes, clothing, makeup, etc. i can spend whatever i want.
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Re: Great new seller of Soviet Germs.

In reply to this post by dbat69
Yeah, they disappeared right after I got my box, so we must have ordered around the same time.

Either way, it seems we may have cleared him out for the time being!

I also got a box of 50 MP38s - They're NPN, so could I just throw them in a Meathead or similar and not have to worry about anything? Or should I do a few spec-checks first?
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Re: Great new seller of Soviet Germs.

i have like 400+ MP38A's and they not only sound great, but i have some with gains as high as 150hfe. all with little to no leakage.
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Re: Great new seller of Soviet Germs.

In reply to this post by inefficiency
Yes definitely try them in a Meathead.  You may be better off trying it without the 47p and 470p caps first because they're low pass filters which people often use to soften silicon builds in an attempt to make them sound closer to germanium.  With germanium transistors it could end up dark or even dull with those in place, so omitting or maybe reducing the values may be a good idea.  Or of course you could socket them to experiment.
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Re: Great new seller of Soviet Germs.

Awesome. Cheers Mark and Rocket.

So, if I remove those caps, do I just add links instead? Or just remove them completely? I know certain filters work by sending part of the signal to ground and in that case I could probably just remove them without adding links or anything, but these aren't as obvious to me as some other cases.

I'll probably just end up using sockets and slowly working my way down in values until I hit the "sweet spot". I'll definitely report back my findings.

Have you put those SFD112s in anything yet, Mark? I'm toying with ideas of what to try them in first.
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Re: Great new seller of Soviet Germs.

This Ge Deathstar is going to be even more Russian than this Russian Big Muff clone.....

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Re: Great new seller of Soviet Germs.

Erm, Inefficiency - that picture looks incredibly like a certain head of state from the source of all things Ge riding a brown bear

Having a good ol chuckle at that one - brilliant
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Re: Great new seller of Soviet Germs.

In reply to this post by inefficiency
No you don't need to make a link if you omit the caps, just ignore them completely.  And no I haven't used the SFD112's yet.  I think you should try them in a Klon
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Re: Great new seller of Soviet Germs.

It is indeed dbat, glad you like it! It gave me a chuckle or two.

Oooooooooh, now there's an idea. I've been planning on doing a Klone for a while now and these could be pretty awesome to put in there.

Cheers for the help once again, Mark!
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Re: Great new seller of Soviet Germs.

Don't forget to sprinkle the circuit with powder made from unicorn horn, fairies wings and mermaid fins. Also, apparently lubricating the diodes with Lemmy Kilminster's smegma works wonders and helps you to get that extra rock 'n' roll kick!
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Re: Great new seller of Soviet Germs.

I was with you until the Lemmy part. I think we'd need some pretty hardcore diodes to be able to withstand that kind of abuse. Even with all the added mythical creature parts, that stuff is sure to burn through anything.