Thanks for all the help even though none of you have ever met me :-)

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Thanks for all the help even though none of you have ever met me :-)

Just finished my 8th build all using layouts from this site so thought I'd say hello and join in. I've been a lurker for a while now and finally bit the bullet 2 months ago and built a son of clay Jones. Since then I've built a sweet honey od, SHO, OCD, a test box, plexi drive and now a Timmy. I have an original Timmy but wanted another so just finished it and also had a go at etching with this one. I've had some super advice from this forum which has helped with all of the builds and just wanted to say thanks. Now the big question is what do I build next?
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Re: Thanks for all the help even though none of you have ever met me :-)

Nice job Adam.  I reckon you're in need of a muff of some sort next
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Re: Thanks for all the help even though none of you have ever met me :-)

Silver Blues
We all need a little Muff in our lives
Through all the worry and pain we move on
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Re: Thanks for all the help even though none of you have ever met me :-)

In reply to this post by IvIark
I've been thinking about building some sort of fuzz though I'll be honest and say I've never really liked fuzz (he says as he dives behind the sofa).  Any build recommendations to make a 35 year old guitarist change his mind about fuzz pedals?  I played a few when I was younger and never bonded with them so always assumed they weren't for me:
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Re: Thanks for all the help even though none of you have ever met me :-)

Great job man and welcome. I've got to agree with silver, no board is complete without a BMP. I mean house can you not rock a muff?
Some others at the top of my mind:
Tonebenders, each has it's own unique amazing sound
Anything Shin-ie and it's assorted nasty garage rock bretherin
Small clone
Some sort of delay, like dirtybird
Phase 90 or DOD phaser (similar to phase 45 but deeper and warmer)
Germanium Giant

Btw, as far as not liking fuzzes, we all have our own favorites or none at all. I'm a bass player and I love the sound when I run my bass into a cranked russian muff. Until I built mine and really played around with it I was t huge into fuzzes either. You just have to find what you dig, but I still say the classics set right are the way to go. I mean think about all the guitar legends that used fuzzes. Btw, as a member of the four horseman of fuzz, and the emperor of the Germanium deathstar, I am fairly partial to fuzzes no matter what.
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Re: Thanks for all the help even though none of you have ever met me :-)

Silver Blues
Yesssss bass into a cranked Russian Muff is the best sound.
Through all the worry and pain we move on
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Re: Thanks for all the help even though none of you have ever met me :-)

In reply to this post by Adam_MD
Hi, I'm Mark, and I'm a fuzzaholic...

Nice work there Adam, they look really good - and good choices for first builds too.

As one of the resident fuzz fanatics, I can only agree with Zach's choices for a fuzz build. I would add few more to the list though.

Mosrite Fuzzrite
Acetone Fuzzmaster
Frantone Cream Puff (not strictly a fuzz)

I could go on, but these are killers.

It all depends on what you like to play really - I'm guessing you are a classic rock kind of guy?
If so, you don't really need much in the way of fuzz anyway.
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Re: Thanks for all the help even though none of you have ever met me :-)

Thanks chaps some good suggestions there looks like I have some googling to do to check some of those out.  Classic Rock? Guilty as charged though I also like blues, alternative and metal etc.  I'm leaning towards a deep blue delay next while I investigate some fuzz action.

So how many of you guys are from the UK?
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Re: Thanks for all the help even though none of you have ever met me :-)

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Hi, welcome to the forum, I'm from Leeds. Nice looking pedals! I'd recommend the Skreddy Lunar Module, Catalinbread Katzenkonig or Wampler Velvet fuzz as three "fuzz pedals for people who don't like fuzz: They all have a switch or pot that allows you to dial back overbearing low end that can make a "traditional" fuzz less than useful for guitarists who prefer a "distortion" or "overdrive" pedal for their dirt.
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Re: Thanks for all the help even though none of you have ever met me :-)

In reply to this post by Adam_MD
I'm UK - Northampton.

Shin Ei / Univox Superfuzz is a good choice. Remember Tony Iommi and Pete Townsend used one, as did many others.

Fuzz on the edge of distortion.
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Re: Thanks for all the help even though none of you have ever met me :-)

I'm in the US, New Jersey to be exact. In any event I would suggest a rams head or violet era big muff, Gilmore is know to have used them a lot. You could even go for the mojohand iron bell which is supposed to get closest to his exact tone.
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Re: Thanks for all the help even though none of you have ever met me :-)

In reply to this post by Adam_MD
I'm from Manchest-oh!
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Re: Thanks for all the help even though none of you have ever met me :-)

Ciaran Haslett
In reply to this post by Adam_MD
Yes Lad!  I'm Ciaran from Derry, Ireland.

I'll add my +1 to a Big Muff of some description.  The Green and the Rams Head are pretty popular ones.  I've built the Iron Bell and it does sound really great.  Check out some of the Skreddy ones too! You'll find the one you want somewhere in all of these.  Or do what Silver (or Javi, can't remember who) once said....just build them all

Take a look at the Deep Blue Delay or the Snow White Auto Wah.  Those are still 2 of my most satisfying builds.  I literally smile every time I kick one in!

Last suggestion....a good fuzz face or bender.  I'm a believer that there is a fuzz that defines every decade.  You want 60's?  Probs a FF or bender.  70's? Has to be a Muff.  80's?  Its a Rat (not a fuzz).  I hate Rats so just build another Muff

Whatever you choose next only pushes what you didn't choose further down the list.  You WILL build EVERYTHING eventually

Good luck
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Re: Thanks for all the help even though none of you have ever met me :-)

Silver Blues
I'm from Canada, which I guess is kind of similar  I support the Iron Bell idea, great sounding pedal I've been meaning to throw together myself.
Through all the worry and pain we move on
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Re: Thanks for all the help even though none of you have ever met me :-)

Hmm many options there to check out cheers dudes.  Im a Belfast boy who's living in England at the mo, I'm actually pretty close to you Beaker I'm over in Wellingborough.  

I think a Deep blue delay is where I'm heading next and a Crunch Box while I investigate some fuzz action
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Re: Thanks for all the help even though none of you have ever met me :-)

In reply to this post by nocentelli
Is there a layout for the velvet fuzz yet?  I've been interested in that pedal for a while now.  
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Re: Thanks for all the help even though none of you have ever met me :-)

In reply to this post by Adam_MD
Well what do you know!

I was over in Wellngborough on Friday. I had to pick up an amp from Eli. If you don't know him you need to - a great guy, and he makes some amazing hand wired guitar amps.

Nocentelli has a layout for the Velvet Fuzz - search the forums, or ask him to re-post it.
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Re: Thanks for all the help even though none of you have ever met me :-)

In reply to this post by Ciaran Haslett
Ciaran Haslett wrote
Whatever you choose next only pushes what you didn't choose further down the list.  You WILL build EVERYTHING eventually

Good luck
I don't know if I've ever read a truer statement on this forum!
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Re: Thanks for all the help even though none of you have ever met me :-)

Ciaran Haslett wrote
Whatever you choose next only pushes what you didn't choose further down the list.  You WILL build EVERYTHING eventually

Good luck
10000000000% true. I can't enough 0's to show how much I agree. Haha
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Re: Thanks for all the help even though none of you have ever met me :-)

In reply to this post by Ciaran Haslett
I totally believe you Ciaran the amount of pedals I've found while browsing this site which I never even knew existed is crazy.  I can't wait

Thanks for the link Beaker I'll check that out I'm planning on buying a new amp in January.