What are your weekend projects?

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Re: What are your weekend projects?

strassercaster wrote
well its saturday 6pm just got home from a long work week. i plan on burning the midnight oil tonight after the kids go to sleep. I have a ton of work to do...

... i dont know why im always a little behind on boxing them up. I do like doing the circuit boards the best. I dont mind drilling but offboard wiring seems time consuming and tidious to me. its loose ends night hope they all fire up first try ha ha
i think i know where you are coming from re the unboxed effects. and indeed i can't imagine that anyone here could be worse than me for not boxing. it's a total vice of mine and i know it.
once i've finished the circuit board and added all the offboard stuff via the breadboard, it tends to stay attached to that breadboard for months and months. in fact i keep ordering cheap £1.50 breadboards to keep them mounted on rather that actually commit to boxing. i use them like that as i would boxed effects.
once it's complete and boxed it's done, the playing around and building fun for that one is over. but while it is still on the breadboard i can keep tweaking with it, playing around with diodes and tonestack etc. so in one respect boxing it is killing it, as a building project, as it can go no further.
as far as playing it, i can do that boxed or unboxed, so i think my unboxing habit is about wanting to keep options open, to keep it alive, to keeping my options open indefinitely.

and my laziness of course. haha, i wouldn't underestimate that.
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Re: What are your weekend projects?

I kept a lot of circuits unboxed but I found two things - that they start to dilapidate (fall apart) if you don't box them, and that the more I box the easier and faster it gets. I admit I still struggle and nothing pisses me off more than boxing a working circuit and have it not work. But also - nothing is better than having a circuit that works right every time, and that is why boxing them up, with care and solidity, is so important.

Realistically, I wouldn't expect a circuit that is not boxed up to last over a year or so (in this place) unless I package it really carefully, like in its own box or plastic bag. I like doing mods, also, but I like to get an originally designed working version done first. Usually, I will box the first one, and start doing mods on a new one, and write down and build and box one with mods when I like what I have.

Right now I am looking at a build I like, and GDit - I didn;t write down what it is on the board so I have no idea. I don;t know when I did it (I think 2 months ago) - so I have to try to figure it out. I have already looked at 20 different

Its an overdrive with 2 red 3mm LEDs, a single TL072, some kind of transistor output. The top row has a horizontal 5817 diode and a 220k resistor (both over cuts, of course). Dials are volume and either contour or color (both B10k). There is a pair of 1n4001 clipping diodes in the upper right corner over a diagonal link.
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Re: What are your weekend projects?

In reply to this post by strassercaster
I love the Univibe mod on the phase 90. I tried a great deal of mods for that circuit and it's the only one I really liked. I find the Univibe caps sound better than the stock even. But I used a 4pdt to switch between stock and Univibe caps.

I gotta build a
loophole looper with modulation
A germanium giant
Another clarinot
Another robot devil
And a few other things.

Hoping to have time this week to do it.
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Re: What are your weekend projects?

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In reply to this post by Chris60601
Currently working on a PCB from a schematic from FSB.

Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: What are your weekend projects?

That looks great Chris. I love the Janglebox!

"Mood" is the tone switch?
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Re: What are your weekend projects?

Folding the 300 covers for my band's new LP...

And for many weekends to come, I'll try to build this:

inside view

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Re: What are your weekend projects?

In reply to this post by Chris60601
ok now the pedal board is looking fine

MB Autobahn autowah -> MB Stagefright phaser -> MB Yellow Shark-OD > vero Forest Green comp/boost -> MB zero point mini delay -> MB Sea Urchin delay (delays are in amp FX loop)

blimey reads like an advert for MB, well hell why not?! There's also a Boss SD1 with monteallum mods in it, which sounds lovely.

The whole project has been to create a classic rock/post rock setup in a reasonably small footprint but with a cool analogue vibe. Its a bit short on modulation so there's room for a vibe/rotary or flanger. BUT there is a definite short fall in the dirt area so I need more punk in my board.

So Two projects to come next weekend:

box up in an 'OR' parallel dual overdrive based on MB Yellow Shark/MB glitterati replacing the single OD

my first ever fuzz! actually a dual fuzz made up of vero Bonnamassa Fuzz Face (+ DC inverter) & Wem Project V

both the dual effects will be in BB sized enclosures.

Thats the next plan - trannys are on their way from hungary as we speak...oh those russian NOS

All this was to replace...my digitech RP2000 digital crapmonster

Need to find some more boxes too...

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Re: What are your weekend projects?

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More PCB's for this weekend..

Highway 89

ROG Tweed

Hot Harmonics

Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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