Lovetone Meatball

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Lovetone Meatball

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Hozy, here's one for you.

Lovetone Meatball based on the McMeat schematic,  hopefully being board based I can do away with most of the stupid off-board wiring that made the Vero version such a bitch.

I'm gonna breadboard the off board on this one just to be sure it works, I spent so long on the vero and was so disappointed that I couldn't get it to work.

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Re: Lovetone Meatball

I've got a Meatball built on a PCB designed by alanp from the Madbean forum on the trace of Lacesensor, the resident Lovetone fanatic. All with board mounted pots and switches, so almost no need for wiring. They've also done the Doppelganger and Wobulator.

All excellent stuff, but in the end too much bells and whistles for my taste.
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Re: Lovetone Meatball


That sounds awesome.  If I could find a reliable source of switches I'd be tempted to have a go at a full layout.  

Trouble is once you get past 10x10cm the cost of the board fabrication gets prohibitive unless you are running a business out of it, I suppose I could sell the excess boards to make it pay for itself but then I'm exposed to all of the development cost and risk.
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Re: Lovetone Meatball

I'm currently on a mission to build all the Lovetone pedals, Doppelganger and Meatball completed so far and up and running. I have used the layouts that Muadzin refers to, Wobulator is almost finished with noname flanger in progress. I have etched the boards myself which is pretty straightforward and cheap as well. For the switches I used Tayda although annoyingly for the first 3 I ordered the wrong ones and ended up having to take them apart and modify them, for the flanger I believe I have the correct ones although they were slightly more expensive (still Tayda).
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Re: Lovetone Meatball

In reply to this post by PMowdes
Looks awesome Phil. Can't wait to see the finished pedal.
Edit: I also spent a long time building the vero version and it never really worked properly.
"Red velvet lines the black box"
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Re: Lovetone Meatball


I think a boxed version may have to wait, I'm up to my eyeballs in BiPhase.

I'm gonna check it works, if it does I'll send you a board. I still owe you one for that light bulb.
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Re: Lovetone Meatball

In reply to this post by PMowdes
I had read somewhere to swap out the 1458 with a 5533. Totally made mine spring to life.
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Re: Lovetone Meatball


SpaceCommandant wrote
I had read somewhere to swap out the 1458 with a 5533. Totally made mine spring to life.

5533???  Do you mean NE5532?
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Re: Lovetone Meatball

Yes, indeed!
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Re: Lovetone Meatball

In reply to this post by PMowdes
Thanks Phil. .
"Red velvet lines the black box"
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Re: Lovetone Meatball

Interestingly when I tried an ne5532 mine didn't work at all so I bought an lm1458 and it started working, no idea why since they have the same pinouts, the only change I did was to up the value of the feedback resistor in the envelope follower to 3m from 1m8 to increase the sensitivity.
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Re: Lovetone Meatball

This circuit is picky about the LM1458!

If your build doesn't have any errors but isn't working, that is probably the first thing to look at.
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Re: Lovetone Meatball

Hmm, sounds familiar, I built a seamoon funk machine recently and its all over the place, think that has a 1458 as well
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Re: Lovetone Meatball

If the Seamoon is another Mutron III derivative then that sounds about right. Are you using the 1458?
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Re: Lovetone Meatball

Yeah in both, got a job lot from China, think they are all duff.
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Re: Lovetone Meatball

Did someone build the vero version from sabrotone?
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Re: Lovetone Meatball


I tried and failed (hence the pcb)
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Re: Lovetone Meatball

Why? It has marked as verified
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Re: Lovetone Meatball

everyone has that one or two builds that they can't ever get to work, even when the layouts been verified. it's just the nature of the beast and a huge frustration. i've got mine and i swear i'll get them to work one day....
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Re: Lovetone Meatball

Yes, i knobw, but I asked why to know if he has a problem with build or layout.