TS808 & ?????

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TS808 & ?????

Hey guys.

I'm building a dual overdrive in a 1590BB.

On one side I'm doing a screamer and I'm not sure which to put on the other. There are a few options, but I'm not sure which would compliment it best.

I originally wanted to do a Klon, because a Klon going into a TS sounds awesome, but I don't think I'll fit them in the box. I have a couple of boards already populated and I reckon it'll be too tight.

Any suggestions? This one won't have an order switcher, so perhaps a suggestion as to the order would be good too.

Perhaps something a bit more transparent to be the ying to the tubescreamers mid-hump yang?
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Re: TS808 & ?????

Silver Blues
Huh there's a lot you could do. What about a Timmy?
Through all the worry and pain we move on
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Re: TS808 & ?????

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Re: TS808 & ?????

These were both considerations.

Do they stack well with a TS808 or do you guys just see them as something to use separately to make the pedal more flexible?

I don't have the right opamp for a Zen, but I do fancy it. Any suggestions for a replacement? I have rc4558, rc4559, tl072, ne5532 and a couple of random ones... I guess I could just try them all, but it would be nice to know if you guys have tried any of these. I would imagine someone definitely would have tried the 4558.....

EDIT: Actually, I don't have the right diodes either, but I have PLENTY to try....
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Re: TS808 & ?????

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In reply to this post by inefficiency
I think that an overall good choice is either the Timmy or the Zen.
On the other hand, I love the Dyna Red but if I were to use the TS/Red combo - I wouldn't use my Strat
because to me, the Dyna Red works better with Hum-buggies. So that combo would work well with my V or Les Paul (GFS model).

So the point to my reply; you may want to consider your guitar pickups as part of the determination process.  But you probably knew that already.

Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: TS808 & ?????

In reply to this post by inefficiency
Right now the Klon into a tube screamer is my overdrive sound.  It's without a doubt the best combination I've heard, and very versatile.  Quite Marshall-like in tone.

I do have a Timmy-like circuit (Walrus Mayflower on vero, unboxed) that I could try with my tube screamer - if I have a chance I'll check it out this weekend.
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Re: TS808 & ?????

Cool, thanks guys.

The main concerns are basically;

1. Will it fit in the box? (Klon does not)
2. Will it stack well?
3. Which order should they go in?

I've heard that a screamer goes well into an OCD, but I've never really liked the OCD too much. I guess it's good, but it's had a little too much hype I think.
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Re: TS808 & ?????

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Re: TS808 & ?????

In reply to this post by Silver Blues
The menatone red snapper or Blue Collar sound excellent boosted. I'd go for the Blue Collar as it's lower gain so better for taking a pre-boost. Plus, the Red and Blue sound excellent on their own. Very underrated effects in my opinion.

As for the 'right' Opamp for the Zen, The original uses an NE5532. I have a Lovepedal Zen and that is what's in it. I personally don't believe the spec was changed from Hermida, why would it?..plus the difference is barely noticeable.

Also, the diodes in the Zen, In mine I used all 1N34a's they sound VERY slightly warmer/tube-ish blah blah..but again, very little difference.
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Re: TS808 & ?????

yeah, I've always fancied a red snapper.

Might just have to give that one a go. The TS is already boxed up now, so I can try a few things with it before something joins it in there.

Anyone reckon I'll need a low value resistor on the power for noise? I've heard this can be an issue in these 2-in-1 jobs.
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Re: TS808 & ?????

I've never used any power filtering for two in ones and I've only ever had excessive noise once and that was with two meatheads but I think that was down to a dodgy connection.

I made a blue collar into a red snapper 2in1 once and it was one the best dual pedals I've ever made. The blue collar is fantastic.
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Re: TS808 & ?????

Nice. Cheers for the heads-up.

I'm finding it pretty difficult to fit more than one circuit in here - at least if it's something with 3 or 4 pots. I think maybe the order in which I wire everything in is a bit off or perhaps I've put the jacks in the wrong place or something. I might have to get on your Dopefx Facebook page and have a look at a couple of your gutshots, mate!
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Re: TS808 & ?????

Me and Adrian Smith from Iron Maiden like a Tube Screamer into a Tube Screamer. :D  Double the pleasure, double the fun.
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Re: TS808 & ?????


Here you go...two tube screamers!
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Re: TS808 & ?????

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Re: TS808 & ?????

In reply to this post by Heath
LOL! Outstanding!
Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: TS808 & ?????

In reply to this post by Heath
By the way, Harold Sabro talks about wiring up two circuits in one box at this link:

effects wiring
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Re: TS808 & ?????

I did consider doing a double screamer. I might do a screamer and an eternity or eternity burst.
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Re: TS808 & ?????

Stevie Ray Vaughn used two Tube Screamers, hence the name of that Visual Sound Double Trouble.

He used a TS 808 and a TS 9, though I don't know which order he had them.

I have to say though that our Germanium Giant works great with a Tube Screamer, and it's tiny so no problems getting it to fit. Plus you can use your new D311s in it 'cos they sound great in one.
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Re: TS808 & ?????

I've housed a TS808 with a SHO in front of it.

Honestly, it's the perfect combo IMHO.