ME4003 for DAM Meathead

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ME4003 for DAM Meathead

I'm interested in building a couple of DAM Meathead clones and a few people have mentioned that they prefer ME4003 transistors for this circuit.

Does anyone have a source for these transistors or a few that they are willing to part with? I tried eBay but sellers only have them in bulk and I only need 3-4.

BTW, this is my first post. I'm a stompbox building newbie and I have to say that this site is UNBELIEVABLY FANTASTIC!!
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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

I've got lots of them and a few hundred incoming soon so you can have a few from me if you'd like. E-mail me at

Edit: Oh and yes they sound absolutely amazing!
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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

How do the ME4003 spread out hFE-wise? The only data I found was minimum 300.
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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

I measured a bunch of them and I got reading from about 300-ish up to 800! Most of them were in the range of 300-500. It's good to have lots of them if you need them matched.
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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

Has anyone measured the HFE of ME4003 in superb sounding Meathead circuits?  

Is it recommended to have matching (similar gain) transistors in the Meathead?
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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

One of my biggest regrets is NOT measuring one that I made for someone else a few years ago.  It was awesome and went from Fuzz Face to Big Muff in one pedal.  One day I'll experiment again and note what sort of range I get the best results with.
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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

Hi, can I buy some ME4003s from somebody?
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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

In reply to this post by himey77
The ME4003's do sound excellent. Also consider a couple of BC108C's... you get a much creamier tone with them.... or one of each...
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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

got to agree with Vince. i also like 2n2222a's. i built one with some vintage Motorola military spec 2n2222a's and its just.......just......awesome. it's creamy and nasty, and loud, and just pissed all at the same time. my buddy called it the purple tone eater cause i put it in a metallic light purple enclosure i had laying around.
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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

In reply to this post by KT
If it's not too late. I can happily send someone ME4003, still got around 80-90 of them laying around
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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

I would love 2 pairs for a couple of Meathead Deluxes.  I'm in the US though.  Is that an issue?   I'll pay extra if you can match each pair for me prior to shipping.
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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

negative, where are you in the US? cause i am too, and there's a guy that sells them by 100, if you wanted and were nearby we could split it. i'm sure someone on the other side of the pond would be kind enough to send it over to help with the cost. i mean tj sent me like 300 or 400, and i could use more. i paid for the items and the cost of shipping, but when he sent them i saved like mega on shipping cause the guys who sell them on ebay want a ridiculous amount of money for it. they're freaking awesome transistors, i'm even thinking about using them in a big muff and see how it sounds. so far i've used them in a meathead/1 knobber, a fuzzface, a boost, and 9 times out of 10 it sounds great.
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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

Zach, negative - the seller hasn't any listed at the mo, so I'll keep a check and I might get some if he lists them again, so could get some for you and send them on
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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

Sounds like a plan to me man. I seems him an email on eBay and got an "out of office till 9/15/12," back so he must be on holiday/vacation till then, caus I noticed nothing new has been listed for awhile. Always good to have someone help out over there, cause shipping would be like $14 to get them, when it only costs like $5. If he does I'll let you know how many I'ld want so we can go in on them, hopefully if it's  a lot we can ever a discount.
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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

Hey Rocket, I'm interested too in gettin some dozens :P So if the seller comes back from vacation, I can be your European connection :P

We'll see on Spt 15th!
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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

Awesome Javi. I got my fingers crossed he has enough for all of us.
Do you need anything from the US? Cause I can send you stuff from here around the same time if it all works out.
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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

I would be interested too!
If there's room for 25 or so, I live in France...  
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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

In reply to this post by rocket88
I'm in Colorado and would be happy to split a large batch.  Shipping from here is pretty cheap to most of the US and I get 15% off through FedEx.
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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

So I'm going to send the guy on the bay another messGe about the me4003's I figure if I tell him how much we were looking for it might help get a response and hopefully a better price. How much should I say we want?

Also, I'm in New Jersey, I was going to say if you were near by negative we could meet upo and I could just give you a few in the meantime. I got my fingers crossed we can still get a bunch of these. They really are fantastic in fuzzes.
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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

Don't know... let's say, 100 pieces for me if possible.

By the way, do you live in NJ? Shit, you lucky one, you have Prymaxe Vintage and Smallbear very close :)

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