ME4003 for DAM Meathead

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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

Lol. I am very close to prymaxe, intact before it was prymaxe and were a normal guitar store I took lessons there, and that's where got my g&l l-1000 and tobias from.

Btw, prymaxe isn't like it used to be and isn't Ike you think unfortunately. Like you can't just go in and play and check things out, the store front is pretty much empty, but they'll bring stuff if you make an appointment. It's kinda odd and sad cause it's become an internet business mostly, as things have changed as the son took over from his dad. The best thing was going in picking up some crazy guitar or bass plugging into some awesome amp and playing, I guess it's a sign of the times. Still, I have been able to get some things that I wanted and been able to get stuff really fast, I mean I go and pick it up. Lol
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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

Yeah, I did read something about the appoinments, that you could not go there without calling first.

I know'em for (as I suppose, most people): lots of stock, great offers, and in my case, the lowest shippin' costs to Spain that I can find for a pedal, in fact, it's even lower that what I get charged by spanish mail sending a pedal from Madrid to Barcelona.

In fact, many of my original pedals come from Prymaxe, as, incuding shippin' costs, they sometimes offer prices lower in new items that the price I can get here in the second hand market, I still remember my Fuzz Face Mini FFM2, that was an offer within a second offer, in fact total cost was 62 euros while here was impsible to get for less than 120€.

It helps too that even though they're formally forbidden to send many brands to Europe, as happens with Amazon, in Prymaxe I never had the slightest problem to get a pedal sent :P

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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

In reply to this post by rocket88
Sorry guys I was a little too joyful when I said 25, my bank account makes me come back to reality...

10 would already be nice... If it don't bother you to send such a little quantity!
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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

I don't foresee that being an issue, I know they sold them in sets of 100, so if someone wants to take 90 it should be all good.

I hear you Javi. I'm not saying anything bad about prymaxe, just an observation. The guy that started it is and amazing player, and awesome guy. They do have amazing prices and quantity, and they do have a huge stock, everything is in a warehouse near the store. It's just not the same when you can't walk in go, "hey man can I try the (insert pedal name)?" And some musician behind the counter that works there goes "yea buddy. Grab an instrument plug in to any amp and give her a whirl." Then proceeds to talk to you about music, gear, etc. it's just a sign of the times I guess, but that experience doesn't seem to really exist that much anymore since everyone buys online.
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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

Yeah, I know what you mean.  Or I suppose :P

Sadly, the "walk in, go and try" experience at a music store is nearly done and I can understand it. For several years, most people in Spain (included myself) purchased their instruments, effects and amps in Germany, as prices were 40-50% cheaper there, not joking. In fact, just two of my guitars, the Telecaster and the Ibanez Artcore, were purchased here.

Many stores here closed the doors, claiming that was imposible to fight against german prices. I prefer too to walk in a nice store, try gear and chat with the seller.... while it doesn't cost me a 40% subcharge :P

So, I'm afraid that the internet shop is going to be the future for this kind of goods.

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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

That's nuts. Here it's not like that at all for the most things are the same general price everywhere. I'll buy from Proguitar shop in Portland, because not just the discounts, but they're awesome guys and I've called them for things and get there opinion and it feels like going into a shop and hanging out. I try to support local shops when I can, but most of them near me are big box stores, and I'll snag things that are too cheap. Like my bugera v22, was marked at $350 then I got 20% off, then another 10% cause it was a floor model, then another 10% for something else so I ended up getting it for under $200, I think it ended up at like $150 for an all tube amp that I think sounds fantastic, especially with a tube change.
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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

Guys, the ME4003 have been relisted - sam price at £7.70 per 100
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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

Awesome. So whose going to make the order for everyone so those of us across the pond don't get hit with massive shipping charges.
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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

Zach, I'd be happy to help out and make the purchase
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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

In reply to this post by rocket88
Hey mates,

We need someone from the UK willing to do it, as s&h to uk is 1,5 pounds, while  to Spain or France, it's 11 pounds!!!!!! just 1 pound cheaper than to USA!

Any british buddy interested?
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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

7,7 pounds the 100  I was expecting ten times that price!!

but sure the almost 14€ shipping is a big pain in the ass!!!

We could do an european and a Usa separates orders if it get cheaper that way, and i'll go for the 100 if nobody wants to share an hundred pack, although 50 would cover all my needs
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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

i think dbat just volunteered. lol

i think i'm going to want 500 of them. so far these have become one of my favorite transistors, they seem to sound great in almost any fuzz pedal, from fuzzface to meathead, one knobbers, i've used them in also everything that calls for bc107/108/109 or 2n2222a and they sound great. more importantly, it seems like this seller is the only ones that have them, so i think i'm going to stock up a bit in case they disappear again. i figure i should be set for a long time.

i mean we did kinda all freak out a little when they seemed to be gone, i don't know what i'ld do when they really do go the way of the dodo. might have to hit Geiri up for them, he must have a metric ton of them. lol

side not, dbat or anyone else let me know if you want something from here so i can take care of it around the same time.  
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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

In reply to this post by régis@fofo
I think the solution is to have a UK mate willing to colaborate, he will have not to pay anything in advance:

1. If we get a volunteer :P  we just need to warn the seller that we are going to purchase X hundreds of trannies from this forum, and that as we're spread around the world, we'll do the purchases trough ebay with our users, but the shppin address will be the british mate one to avoid shippin costs. Or he he prefers, he can send personal invoices trough paypal to each of us, knowing that all these trannies will be shipped to the UK address.

Once our UK friend has the trannies at home, we'll send him trough paypal the money for shippin'g  and all finished :P


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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

In reply to this post by rocket88
Shit, I believed that dbat was from the States! :P

If dBat wants to do it, let's hear how he prefers to do so :)


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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

In reply to this post by rocket88
By the way Zach, I need two pieces of:

(Way Huge pedals, big knob) piece number: ECB246, but as you can see on eBay the s&h costs to Spain are sheer madness for two fuckin knobs, same on Smallbear.

Could you check in your area if you can get these knobs?

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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

 HOLY SHIT!!!!! $9 for shipping 2 tiny knobs? i can find out what shipping is from me to you, and order those no problem and ship them off. if i order these it would be like $3 to ship to me, and whatever it would cost to ship to you. shot me your address and i can check pricing, and go from there.

if dbat is in the US that kinda messes it all up. . i'm sure if i asked mark he would do it, but i know he's really busy, who from out group is going to volunteer?

btw, if we order a bunch, we just have one person order them all, and just make sure they're individually packed. the last time i got them, tj (tom) ordered for me, him, and someone else, we sent him the money on paypal for our part, and when he sent them to us they were in individual packs of 100. but, if he could do individual sales to each of us, and just charge one shipping to whoever is in the uk, i'ld be fine with that. i just want to make sure that who ever in the uk is sending out the trannies to all of us gets the cost of shipping.
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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

I'm happy to do this.  Just have a count up on here so I can see how many I need to order then we can sort out the addresses later
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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

That's great, Mark!

Lets see, I need 100, but if régis@fofo just needs 50, then 150 for me :P

Tell us how you prefer to do it, Mark, do you want the money now? later? that we pay for the order and tell your address? Let us know :)

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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

This post was updated on .
And mark you know I'm down for 500.

Btw, mark you never let me know about those caps and anything else you wanted/needed.

and javi, don't forget to send me an email so i can find out about shipping for you on those knobs.
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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

I'm tempted to grab 100.
Wondering what shipping would be to Canada...?