ME4003 for DAM Meathead

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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

Thanks Javi

email received.
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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

awesome dbat, i just sent you an email with my address. thanks again buddy, i can't thank you enough. i figure the breakdown is fine with me. i feel like i'm being greedy ordering the most out of everyone . i wonder what the seller thought when you ordered 1000 of them, he must think you're crazy or have some sort of business .
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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

No problem bud.  Happy to be able to assist

I did ask if there would be any discount for a large quantity, but I've had no response.

I'm also interested to see what cost the postage is, as I'm sure it won't be anywhere near what has been charged.
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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

In reply to this post by rocket88
rocket88 wrote
i feel like i'm being greedy ordering the most out of everyone .
I wouldn't worry, I've found that there is such a large spread of hfe, you need a lot to be able to get a few at the higher hfe.
I've got them from 150 to 800, although the large majority are between 200 and 450.  I've only got 4 above 600
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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

Hi Guys,

Thanks a lot for the order dbat! And Javi, just sent you a message!

But are those ME4003 really that bad sounding when HFE is under 600 ?
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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

They are good whatever hfe - its just I want a few for circuits which require a higher gain
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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

agreed they are jut great sounding transistors no matter the hfe. I've been thinking that if I get higher gain ones, in >500hfe, put them in a big muff. I would think that just like the meathead or fuzzface it will make it a little compressed, tight, and focused. Might be a good replacement for the mythical 2n5133's everyone's after.

Dbat, got to love how sellers will charge more for shipping then it really is. It's because eBay & paypal don't get a percentage. So what they do is sell something cheaper then it should and make it up on the shipping. I once purchased some tropical fish caps that I paid something like $3-4 for, and the guy shipped Them out in a normal envelope for $0.37. I was livid to say the least. I eventually got money back, but that was jut bs.

I was just teasing about being greedy, I just found it funny going through what everyone ordered, which was basically 100pcs, and then there's me with 500pcs. I can't seem to do moderation. Lol. But I didn't think I hound sort them all for hfe range, but knowing the spread of yours I might do that,mad it might make life easier later. I should sort through the ones I have left now too.

Man, I never finish sorting transistors, it takes forever. It's like I'm eternally stuck sorting. I still have to finish the Ge's that showed up a week or two ago.......

Btw, there's a seller selling 2 sets of 50 MP38a's for $32USD on eBay. I'd buy them to make sure I'm really set, but seeing how many I have in my stock I don't want to hoard them all and no one else in the community get them. I can't post the link cause I'm at work and can't go on eBay ATM. But someone should go get them.....
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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

In reply to this post by régis@fofo
Hey Regis, have not received a mail from you, My address: j.garcia (at) Try again , please!

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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

Mike B.
I sent Zach and Dbat emails about sending payment.  If you don't get them, just email me at  Thanks!
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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

Mike B.
Got it.  Thanks!
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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead


Are You okay to charge Javi my share of the uk Posting too added to the trannies? So I can pay him all in one time.

He's Ok for that we emailed each others, but If you prefer I can pay it to you.

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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

In reply to this post by dbat69
Hi guys

The transistors arrived, and he didn't overcharge on postage as it was sent Special Delivery (although there are cheaper options)

They arrived in a bag of 1000 - so I've counted them, bagged them and sent them this morning

Postage to Spain was £3.20  and to USA was £4.75, so not too bad.

I'll send Javi and Zach emails with details
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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

In reply to this post by régis@fofo
Regis - that's perfect - I'll add to email to Javi
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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

not bad at all. waiting for the email. don't forget to let me know the name on paypal to send you the money. thanks again buddy.
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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

In reply to this post by dbat69
Waiting for your mail too, mate, again, thank yolu very much!

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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

Zach, Javi - emails sent.

I hope the packages arrive with you soon

Its a pleasure to be able to help you guys and beat the rip-off postage that some sellers charge
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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

Just received the trannies, David, thank you very muich!

Now sending 50 to Vincent (Regis)!

Have to try'em right now!

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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

My pleasure mate.  I hope you like them.

If I can help again in the future, just let me know
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Re: ME4003 for DAM Meathead

Same  to you, mate, If you need anything from here, you just have to ask.

By the way, I've tested about 25 pieces, and hfe seems to go from high 200 to mid 400, most on the 320-375. I've just used 4 x ~420 in my Ram's Head 73, and sound really good, even better than with the BC550C that I had installed months ago. Don't be wrong with the hfe in the BMP anyway, the gain is mainly created with the collector and emitter resistors multiplier ratio on the first three stages, so 400hfe is more than enough in this circuit.

Now to try them in silicon fuzzes :)
