Show your pedal guts!

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Re: Show your pedal guts!

nice, i didn't realize he did it that way. let me know if it works out. i spray all my boxes, and only use automotive paint like he suggests. if it works right, then this would be an awesome way to label all my pedals that are done, and by boxes that are painted before i drill them.
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Re: Show your pedal guts!

i figured i would post some of my more recent builds:

 78' Op Amp Big Muff with Tonewicker

Russian Green Big Muff with KT3102E transistors and KD521V Clipping Diodes (a few months old, but figured i'ld some of a few of my muffs ) i call it the cosmonaut

Proco Rat, modded for bass, 1n270 Ge Clipping diodes, LM308 Op Amp, and Split N' Blend

Bearfoot HoneyBee

ignore some of the paint that's missing, i figured out how to stop that from happening when i drill my enclosures after i paint them. but thankfully paint is easy to fix.
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Re: Walnut guts :P

In reply to this post by Travis
 photo DCE5C8B4-4F28-4324-8658-151C76E4732B_zpsyfqpfenc.jpg
 photo A2010AE9-48B4-482D-9793-39EAE233C3CA_zpsyoouornn.png

Finally got around to boxing this
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Re: Walnut guts :P

Great pics guys, and Travis that looks really cool all boxed up.  I had a flat pack furniture build weekend a few weeks ago for my daughter and in the boxes were a load of strips of this sort of thin hardboard which would be perfect for these too.  So I reckon I've got about another 10 x 2ft boards to go at.  It's amazing the crap you can use which would still look awesome in a pedal!
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Re: Walnut guts :P

I finally took the time yesterday to box my boob tube :

Amazing clean boost/light od with a ton of output and dynamic !
(It was the first time I used these Lumberg open connectors, they are awesome)
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Re: Walnut guts :P

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Re: Walnut guts :P

In reply to this post by alltrax74
Man that's some good work alltrax! The guts and graphics look awesome

Where did you get the vishay axials and the in/out jacks?
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Re: Walnut guts :P

Thanks !
I got them from Musikding :
Vishay caps
Lumberg connectors
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Re: Walnut guts :P

And today, EHX Small Clone

Next on the list is the Mutron Phasor II, the board is ready to be populated, but this will be for september, for now it's holidays !
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Re: Walnut guts :P

Wow, that chorus looks great! Did you paint that yourself? I need to learn how to do cool graphics like you guys

I live in California, so I think they'd still be cheaper for me to buy on eBay, but thanks anyways for sharing your source!
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Re: Walnut guts :P

I just finished boxing up my small stone clone too

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Re: Walnut guts :P

In reply to this post by Travis
I use cellulo varnish that I tint (I have various colors) and gun spray
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Re: Walnut guts :P

In reply to this post by johnk
What did you alter round the LFO mate?
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Re: Walnut guts :P

IvIark wrote
What did you alter round the LFO mate?

I just moved a few things around so I could use two 100u's side by side in prallel instead of a 220u since my 100u's have a smaller diameter & are shorter so it would be an easier fit in a 1590B.
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Re: Walnut guts :P

This post was updated on .
DOD FX25 clone with BP/LP switch and clean blend mod:

DOD 440 Clone:

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Re: Show your pedal guts!

In reply to this post by Frank_NH
Meathead Deluxe

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Re: Show your pedal guts!

Very nice !
Which layout did you use ?
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Re: Show your pedal guts!

Cheers!.. your boob toob looks lovely. I used Marks mojo layout but it seems to have disappeared from the site?...Mark?

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Re: Show your pedal guts!


I think something pissed me off about it so I took it down, but I can't remember what   It may have been the 820R overlapping the transistor.  Look you all know I'm OCD demented!

I'll put it back.  Or maybe redo it so I like it more and then put it back
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Re: Show your pedal guts!

T-Rex MudHoney:

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