hello to everybody
i think it's time for me to show you my first board...
tritsky drive...

you can see there the high quality components i've used.
the best dpdt switch for stompboxes, the fantastic plastic potentiometer, and you can also see how much space i've saved from my veroboard
i also think it's high time for me to show you my first attempt of boxing...
vox repeat percussion....

i know...
just pay attention at my factory-like solderings.
look at the plastic enclosure,
the "gentlypushwithyourfoot-plasticswitch" ,
the short wiring,
and again those godmade plastic pots that everyone should stock thousands like i did in the beginning...
after those photos, i hope you guys don't quit practicing...
one day you'll reach me i'm sure...
mark those are for your collection man...!!!