Show your pedal guts!

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Re: Show your pedal guts!

This post was updated on .
Great thanks, I remember Mark drew a mojo layout but couldn't find it anymore.
Yes, put it back Mark, or even a tagboard layout  

John, I really like the way you always arrange your wires around the board, very neat !
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Re: Show your pedal guts!

In reply to this post by Geiri

A/B switch

A/B/Y switch


Optical tremolo

Dual Boss DD-7 rehouse

VOX footswitch

Growly PCBs now in black!
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Re: Show your pedal guts!

Very sexy PCBs there Geiri!

I saw your Bufferlo on Facebook a while ago. What kind of buffer is it? Is it similar to a Klon-style buffer?
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Re: Show your pedal guts!

Thanks! Yeah it's basically that with some improvements.
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Re: Show your pedal guts!

Very nice. Hope you get your engraver - your branding is very pretty.

Keep up the good work!
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Re: Show your pedal guts!

In reply to this post by johnk
Maestro PS1-A clone:
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Re: Show your pedal guts!

In reply to this post by johnk
Looks great as usual John!  How do you secure all those boards... hot glue?
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Re: Show your pedal guts!

Snare227 wrote
Looks great as usual John!  How do you secure all those boards... hot glue?
usually hot glue, and sometimes with 3M heavy duty clear double stick tape.

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Re: Show your pedal guts!

Hexe Tadek Compressor. on this one, I etched my own PCB and also etched the enclosure:

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Re: Show your pedal guts!

Silver Blues
Looks great.
Through all the worry and pain we move on
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Re: Show your pedal guts!

 photo 7F52F9B4-B494-4B43-9C78-6E4F824F4C3E_zps1bahuebo.jpg

Sorry this is a bad pic, I'll take better ones before I set this free tomorrow.

This is a BC108 fuzz face. Pretty much all standard except for a 470Ω instead of 330Ω and a 470pf b-c cap hidden under Q1. Also reverse log 1K fuzz pot

Normally I'd like to have matching resistors but these are all different types from a resistor stash that my girlfriend got me <3

Sounds awesome of course!
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Re: Show your pedal guts!


I would love to see that mounted between two pieces of plexiglass.  Maybe even set in a small block of Lucite.  Such a shame to have it mounted inside a metal enclosure where it can't be seen. :(

I know that verges on "Way to much damn trouble" but I've seen some really cool results:

A headphone amp in resin

Maybe two pieces of this, top piece drilled for pots, stomp, etc. bottom piece fit with some rubber feet, 4 proper length standoffs on the four corners, 8 screws, might look quite cool with that wooden circuit board.
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Re: Show your pedal guts!


Just poking my nose in... been away for a while, mostly to Madbean board.

Building time is virtually nonexistent but here are a couple of my latest:

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Re: Show your pedal guts!

Great stuff Goran, good to see you here again
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Re: Show your pedal guts!


No worries, m8!

I never really left...
I'm sure there's more vero in my future, I just need to get through two dozen boards that need to get built first.

Great to see things are going from strength to strength here!
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Re: Show your pedal guts!

Great stuff everyone!  Goran - how do you like the Britannia?  I have that same PCB from 1776 electronics and plan to build it in the near future.  I also have several other PCBs from 1776 and Aion Electronics.  All great products, BTW.
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Re: Show your pedal guts!


Well truth be told, this is the last pedal I finished and I can't really say I've put it through it's paces. I also have a small child in the house so no cranking possible, almost ever.
I've also never heard an AC30TB that it's modelled after in the flesh, either.
But from what little I did play, I'd say it's a keeper. It does that Vox sparkle pretty well and it's nice and top-endey. Highs need to be tamed (at least to my ears) but that can also be my guitar/amp combo.
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Re: Show your pedal guts!

In reply to this post by Heath
Thanks Heath. I actually hid all wiring under the board, so there's kindof a good side and an ugly side :P

Only lacquered the top and sides of the board too. I thought about getting a plexi bottom plate made, but it seems expensive and well.. There are lots of prettier guts out there hidden in metal enclosures!

That headphone amp sure is a beauty though!

On Sep 2, 2014, at 9:47 PM, "Heath [via Guitar FX Layouts]" <[hidden email]> wrote:


I would love to see that mounted between two pieces of plexiglass.  Maybe even set in a small block of Lucite.  Such a shame to have it mounted inside a metal enclosure where it can't be seen. :(

I know that verges on "Way to much damn trouble" but I've seen some really cool results:

A headphone amp in resin

Maybe two pieces of this, top piece drilled for pots, stomp, etc. bottom piece fit with some rubber feet, 4 proper length standoffs on the four corners, 8 screws, might look quite cool with that wooden circuit board.

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Re: Show your pedal guts!

Yes very nice Trav, and ha ha, I just noticed, Roederstein
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Re: Show your pedal guts!

Thanks bud! I got a bunch of those caps so you'll keep seeing them

Here are the daytime pics as promised. I gave this to my bass player at practice last night and put it through it's paces myself and it's really good. Barely any background noise, smooth decay, just awesomely rocking sounds. It definitely turned out nice, I guess breadboarding before soldering paid off

 photo 9B4A4CE3-7605-4AB4-9D44-7114D4530B33_zpsmnr0sigr.jpg
 photo A1D0029F-A778-45E3-97F7-96490098C15A_zpscdklmhp8.jpg
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